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  • Learn to efficiently use suspension trainer to strengthen your core, lower body and upper body completely- be the best version of you and get the most out of your workouts.

  • Body awareness, injury prevention and returning from injury

  • Core functional movements, sport specific, multi-faceted

  • Learning progressions and regressions of all movements

  • Learning where you want to feel each exercise and what you do not want to feel

  • Troubleshooting areas of concern to get the most of each movement

  • Earning the right to progress

July 7th - 1-4pm -  SWEAT Suspension Core Workshop


Our SWEAT Suspension Core Workshop will be perfect for:

- those wanting to learn to utilize their core muscles for exercise and everyday life

-sport specific training

- injury prevention and returning from injury

-help with muscle imbalance - core and low back

-strengthening the core for better posture and breathing

- understanding form and quality of movement

- learning how to engage the correct muscles to keep pressure off the low back


We want to empower everyone using the suspension trainer for core strength specifically, to fully understand its incredible capacity and to get the most out of each exercise. We will explore all aspects of the core, from obliques, lower and upper core, to the pelvic floor and how to brace those muscles to protect the back, breath and strengthen each functional movement.

Sign up now!

July 28th - 1-4pm -  SWEAT Suspension Lower Body Workshop


Our SWEAT Suspension Lower Body Workshop will be perfect for:


-sport specific training

- injury prevention and returning from injury

-help with muscle imbalance

-strengthening glutes and stabilization muscles for better posture

- understanding form and quality of movement


We want everyone using the suspension trainer for their lower body to get the most out of each exercise. We work in multi joint exercises that will strengthen not only your major lower body muscles (glutes, quads and hamstrings) but will also strengthen the smaller stabilizer muscles that prevent injury and keep your body working efficiently to minimize joint discomfort and muscle imbalance. The suspension trainer is the ideal tool as you can unload your weight on to the straps to allow you to focus on your form. 

Sign up now!

August 11th - 1-4pm - SWEAT Suspension Upper Body Workshop


Our SWEAT Suspension Upper Body Workshop will be perfect for:


- strengthen your upper body (bicep, tricep, upper back, chest)

- learning to how best use the TRX to maximize muscle engagement

- learning how to relax supporting muscles to put the focus the primary movers

- body awareness, injury prevention and returning from injury

- learning progressions and regressions of movements


We want to help you learn how to release tension and keep the focus on the correct muscles groups. You can use the suspension trainer and your own body weight to add load to the movement to get the most out of each exercise. You will quickly see results when you join us to learn the most effective exercises for your upper body workout.

Sign up now!

July 7
August 11
July 28
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